Do I Have a Deviated Septum?

Woman holding nose with a deviated septum suffering a headache and nasal pain.

Construction is necessary to keep our highways and roads safe and in working order. But construction also causes backups. We’ve all been stuck in a traffic jam due to construction. The whole system crawls to a slow when thousands of cars slam on their breaks from even a slight lane change.

So, just for a minute, go with this one… a highway and your nostrils are similar in a certain way. Both air and mucus travel in and out and both are essential to the health of the system. A piece of tissue, called the septum, separates the right nostril (lane, if you will) and the left nostril.

But backups in your nose happen when that septum isn’t straight because it’s deviated. This can bring about, uh, traffic backups of mucus. To get to the bottom line, issues begin to happen when things get backed up and your nose doesn’t function properly.

What is a deviated septum?

The septum is a little strip of tissue that separates your right and left nasal passages. Normally, this is a straight piece of tissue. But this tissue can sometimes be pushed off to one side. This is called a deviated septum. So what causes a deviated septum? Some individuals are born with a deviated septum and others have a traumatic incident that causes it.

Problems, from difficulty breathing, sleeping, or prolonged sinus infections can be brought on by a deviated septum. That’s why, if you think you have a deviated septum, it’s a smart plan to speak with us or your healthcare provider about what your options might be.

How can I tell if I have a deviated septum?

In some instances, a deviated septum can be relatively free of symptoms. But some situations don’t follow this course. A deviated septum will, in many cases, manifest numerous possible indications. Here are a few of the most common indications of a deviated septum:

  • Headaches: In some cases, a deviated septum can cause a disruption to the regular flow of air and drainage of your sinuses. This can result in headaches (particularly headaches situated in the front of your head).
  • Frequent nosebleeds: Moisture can’t always get where it needs to go when you have a deviated septum (traffic jam). Your nasal cavities may, as a result, dry out. Frequent nose bleeds can be the outcome.
  • Nasal congestion: Breathing or smelling might become very hard if you have congestion in one or both of your nostrils. Depending on the exact type of your deviated septum, the congestion will usually be worse in one nostril than the other. If you find your nostrils are blocked up frequently, it might be a sign of a deviated septum.
  • Facial Pain: Facial pain can also be a problem. When there is an unusual amount of pressure in your sinuses and nasal cavity this can be the result.
  • Sinus infections: One sinus infection probably does not indicate you have a deviated septum. But a deviated septum can make it hard for your nasal passages to properly drain. Chronic sinus infections can be the result. So, if every time you get a cold, it develops into a sinus infection, a deviated septum could be at the root of your issue.
  • Excess Snoring: A deviated septum can adversely affect your sleep cycle. This means more significant snoring for some individuals. Sleep disturbances like sleep apnea can be the result for others.
  • Reduced sense of smell: Like all organs, the instrument of your nose is fragile. When airflow is reduced due to injury or disturbance of your sense of smell can be jeopardized.
  • Noisy breathing: While you’re sleeping or during heavy activity, your breathing can be noisy.
  • Postnasal Drip: There’s an internal interconnection between your ear, nose, and throat. So mucus will drain back down into your throat when your nose is blocked. This is known as postnasal drip. If you encounter this sensation frequently, it may be caused by a deviated septum.

So… what problems will a deviated septum bring about in you personally? It depends, you may experience all of these problems. Or, maybe only a few will appear. Only your provider will be able to properly diagnose you.

How is a deviated septum diagnosed?

Once you start experiencing the symptoms, it’s reasonable that you’d want to get that checked out! So, when you come in and see us, what should you anticipate? Generally, most appointments will start with a conversation about your medical history. We will most likely ask about when your symptoms began, whether you’ve been snoring, and if you might have persistent sinus infections, that kind of thing. Your chance of having a deviated septum is increased if you’ve had a nasal trauma or surgery, so we’ll also want to talk about that.

A physical examination will also be done. Normally, we will use specialized equipment to look up your nose. We will try to discover the condition of your septum by gently spreading your nostrils to get a better look. We will check for blockages or anything that isn’t the shape it’s supposed to be.

Here are a number of diagnostics we might utilize as well:

  • Imaging studies: This may include an MRI or a CT scan.
  • Nasal endoscopy: This requires inserting a thin, flexible tube with a tiny camera on the end of it inside of your nose to take a better look at what’s happening.
  • Allergy testing: Since allergies can contribute to nasal inflammation, allergy tests are often carried out to rule out that possibility.

Once we have completed all these tests, we’re usually able to diagnose you with a deviated septum (or rule it out if your septum is straight).

How do you fix a deviated septum?

Clearly, treatment will be next after you discover you have a deviated septum. There are numerous approaches to deviated septum treatment, including the following:

Approaches that don’t involve surgery

  • Allergy management: If your allergies are adding to your clogged up nose, it makes sense to manage them as much as you can.
  • Medication: Nasal steroids or nasal decongestants are in this group. But normally, the root cause isn’t dealt with only the symptoms.
  • Nasal strips: These can help while sleeping or some physical activities. They might be good for borderline cases.

Surgical approaches

  • Rhinoplasty: This is also a surgical procedure, except this one is created to change the shape of the nose more generally. Rhinoplasty is frequently combined with septoplasty when used to manage a deviated septum.
  • Turbinate reduction: Turbinates are little structures on the inside of the nose. In some cases, they can grow enlarged, exacerbating any nasal congestion you might be feeling. Sometimes, in order to improve air and mucus flow, septoplasty is coupled with turbinate reduction surgery.
  • Septoplasty: Sometimes labeled “deviated septum surgery,” septoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to straighten a deviated septum. Your septum can be effectively repositioned when this procedure is done by an ENT. This is often the most prevalent and effective treatment for a deviated septum.

Get the help you need

Unless you’re a construction worker, most road work will eventually be finished, or at least stop disrupting your commute. But that isn’t the case with a deviated septum. Unless you take the right measures, those traffic jams will keep happening.

So give us a call for an evaluation if you think you might have a deviated septum.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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