When is a Sore Throat Not Simply a Sore Throat?

Woman sitting on couch clutching her sore throat while drinking herbal honey and lemon tea

You’re probably reminded of your childhood when you’re dealing with a sore throat. Back then, it was easy to manage a sore throat: taking the day off from school and eating plenty of chicken noodle soup. Or perhaps, some lozenges and some Netflix.

A sore throat was a fairly typical event when you were a kid. And that’s the way you still view this symptom: routine. You expect it to clear up on its own after a few days.

But what if it’s more than a simple sore throat? There are some situations in which a sore throat can point to a more serious illness. But how do you know when that may be?

Common sore throat causes

Sadly, a sore throat is not a particularly unusual symptom of sickness. This is, in part, because the body uses mucus to combat infections and that can result in lots of irritation. As a result, many of the following viral sore throat causes are relatively common:

  • Chicken Pox: Chicken pox produces the familiar itchy red bumps we all recognize, but it also presents other symptoms, like a sore throat.
  • Mononucleosis (usually simply called “mono”): Mono is spread through saliva (which is why it’s called “the kissing disease”) and causes extreme fatigue.
  • Croup: This is a common infection that affects the upper respiratory tract which is particularly prevalent in children. In addition to the sore throat, people who have Croup will experience a unique “barking” cough.
  • Influenza: The flu can result in a wide variety of symptoms, including a sore throat. Other symptoms may include sore joints and high fever.
  • The Common Cold: As you’re most likely aware, the common cold can often result in a runny or stuffy nose. Post-nasal drip can trickle down into the throat, causing discomfort and soreness.
  • COVID-19: The novel coronavirus has been recognized to lead to sore throats in some people who develop symptoms. This is more prevalent (and usually more extreme) in both Delta and Omicron variants of COVID-19.

Viral conditions aren’t impacted by antibiotics. So your doctor will typically just tell you to rest up and let your body heal! For symptom alleviation, you can rely on sore throat remedies like cough drops and fluids.

Depending on the specific virus, this will vary. Sometimes, therapeutic treatments are available (for instance, steroids or specially designed antivirals). If any of the viral symptoms linger, seek help.

Common, non-viral causes of sore throats

In some cases, it’s not a virus but a bacteria that causes your sore throat symptoms. Strep Throat is a really common bacterial example. Your sore throat will clear up in a matter of days with antibiotics for strep throat.

A sore throat isn’t always caused by bacteria or viruses because there are other common causes. Here are a few:

  • Irritation from weather (for example, high heat or frigid cold), particularly in really low humidity.
  • Heartburn or acid reflux.
  • Allergies or allergic reactions.
  • Irritation from pollutants and chemicals.

Can a sore throat mean something more substantial is going on?

Usually, a sore throat will be the consequence of a common cold or flu. But there are instances where a serious illness can be the cause of a sore throat. Some of those serious conditions include the following:

  • Chronic tonsillitis: There are times when repeated infections attack your tonsils. When these infections happen too frequently, the tonsils must be removed. Both tonsillitis and the surgery to remove your tonsils can cause a severe sore throat.
  • Thyroid issues: Certain hormones are distributed through your body by your thyroid. When your thyroid has issues it can trigger a sore throat because it’s located in your neck.
  • Cancer: In some situations, a sore throat can be a consequence of one of several different types of cancer. A combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation will generally be used to treat these cancers.
  • HIV infections: Your immune system depends heavily on your lymph nodes. Sore throat symptoms can manifest when HIV causes the lymph nodes to fill with fluid.
  • Epiglottitis: This potentially fatal swelling of the epiglottis needs to be treated immediately. It can sometimes be the result of trauma but more often is caused by an infection of the Hib (haemophilus influenza type B).
  • Tumors: In some cases, it’s the tumor itself that can cause your sore throat. Swelling can put pressure on parts of your throat as the tumor gets bigger. If the tumor is located in the throat, larynx, or tongue this is particularly true.

How can I tell if my sore throat is something serious or the more common type?

So none of your usual remedies seem to be easing your sore throat. It’s normal to wonder if you need to be concerned. Thankfully, your sore throat will be gone in a few days in nearly all cases.

But you might have a more serious concern if you notice any of the following:

  • Problems breathing: If your sore throat is impeding your breathing, you should contact a medical professional immediately.
  • Your sore throat isn’t clearing up: If your sore throat persists for more than 3-5 days, that might be an indication that something more serious is occurring (even if that something more severe is an especially severe case of strep throat). Be certain you schedule an appointment with us as soon as you can if your sore throat isn’t improving.
  • Take an at-home Covid test: It won’t hurt to rule out COVID-19 as a possible cause of your sore throat. In this way, others can be safeguarded from catching Covid from you.
  • You have a high fever: If you’re experiencing a fever, and you can’t keep your temperature down with over-the-counter medications like Tylenol, contact us right away.

These aren’t the only indications that you might be dealing with something more significant. If you notice any lumps or sores, for instance, contact us.

So here’s the general rule of thumb: sore throats are very common and will typically go away on their own. But you need to come in and see us if your symptoms don’t get better for two weeks or more. Just make certain to get some rest and binge your favorite Netflix program in the meantime.



The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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